ARRR Donation script for webmaster

Add a Pirate donation button to your website, receive anonymous donations and give users the opportunity to donate anonymously!

Webmasters have the possibility to receive anonymous payments with our donation script. You have your own website, blog or shop? Then offer users and you and your organization added value by integrating the Pirate Donation button with your own address into your platform.Our Donation Script supports you in a simple way to receive donations in ARRR.

All you need to do is integrate the following Java Script links into your website. In addition, the HTML code at the appropriate place on your website where the donation button should be displayed.

1.) Copy the following codes and paste them in between header tag:

2.) Copy this HTML code and paste where you want the button to appear:

Important! Replace the ARRRddress here with yours.

How does the Pirate Donation Script work?

On the right you can see how the donation button works. Go with the mouse on the picture and it opens both the address of the receiver and a generated QR code. To send a donation, the user can copy the address and send his donation amount to this copied address.

When the user touches the image with the mouse, a QR code is generated for the specified ARRRdress, which is used to quickly read in the ARRRdress via a mobile wallet.

ARRRmada donations

The ARRRmada appreciates a small donation in $ARRR. You can find our ARRRddress by hovering your mouse over a graphic.